Hello from the National Sarcoidosis Society, NFP (NSS)
Thanks to Glenda Fulton & NSS partners an important House Resolution will be voted on Wednesday, April 30th regarding
Sarcoidosis. 150 + congressional co-sponsors are
required. Take a moment to email your Congressman to ask them to co-sponsor House Resolution # 1149.
Attached is a file that has more information regarding House Resolution # 1149. This resolution contains lots of hope
and potential for those affected by Sarcoidosis.
Please call your Representative and share this request with family and friends in as many areas across the United States;
diversity of location and U.S. Representatives will add necessary strength to this effort.
Click on this link and enter your zip code to obtain a link to your Representative:
Upon request we can email you a copy of the letter designated for your Congressman, women &
Resolution H.RES 1149. Contact sarcoidosisclub77@yahoo.com
Here is a sample letter you can cut and paste, if desired:
Dear <enter your Representative's name>,
This letter is to ask you to co-sponsor HR # 1149. My life and the lives of many others have been severely impacted
by Sarcoidosis. My goal is to preserve health and keep others from going through this destructive process. You can quickly
learn more about this rapidly escalating health condition. Help us put a face on this dibilliting disease known as Sarcoidosis,
for a "Better Quality of Life."
<enter your name>